Thursday, September 1, 2011

So it (re)starts...

I used to blog quite frequently but, since I dont exactly have the fondest things to say 99% of the time, I stopped.  But then I realized that I really don't care (Thank you, CafeMom!).

I suppose I should make a promise to myself right now that no matter how bitchy I get when posting-- I will make it a point to write about something good...
*Puts right hand on mouse* I, Mandi, do swear to put a little ray of sunshine in my darkest of blogs no matter how off topic. Thanks be to jeebus.

Well, now that THAT'S out of the way... lol.
I realized today how amazing it is to have two kids.  I also realized how much I truly despise Noah's dad.  I guess I'm happy that he isn't a part of Noah's life, but at the same time I am sickened by it.  How could someone have a child and never come around to see him?  How could he hand me my 14 month old son after a brief visit and *POOF* never see him again?  Then, at a court date for child support, he didnt even ask about his son... HOW?  Why fight me so hard for visitation only to turn around and stop seeing Noah?  Was it all because your family made you?  Was I wrong to think that you loved your son?

I guess so...

No worries though D***...  your son doesnt know who you are.  You are a stranger.  Ted however, loves Noah.  He has been Noah's REAL father since he was 1 1/2.  I hope you are happy in your new life.  I hope your fiance has no issues with emotional abuse/manipulation.  I hope you aren't surprised when someday you get a letter in the mail telling you that I want your parental rights terminated.  I also hope you go with it so that MY family can be happy. 

::Random Ray of Sunshine::
I made pumpkin bread at 3am and it is sooooooo dense and delicious....

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